59 Memory Lane by Celia Anderson

Make Every Day Count

59 Memory Lane by Celia Anderson is a delightful contemporary novel about community. It is a wonderful warm read.

There is an eclectic mix of characters ranging from age six to one hundred and ten. They all inhabit a small Cornish village and we witness the ups and downs of village life. Needs are met as people look out for others. The down side is the gossip machine works overtime – your business is not your own.

A series of letters link top past events as the reader hears of a mystery to solve.

The novel celebrates friendship and kindness – some friendships are new, others are decades old. Life is just too short to hold on to grudges.

Memories are important. Sometimes memories uncover old secrets. The reader witnesses the distress caused when precious memories cannot be accessed.

I loved 59 Memory Lane. It was a totally charming read that I could not put down.


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