The Essence Of Shade by Deborah Jean Miller

The Hand Of God

The Essence Of Shade by Deborah Jean Miller is an epic contemporary Christian novel that will consume your heart and soul. The handprint of God runs throughout.

The novel is about sacrificial love. It is a love that is trying to atone for past sins. “Suffering was her penalty for the sins of her past.” Guilt weighs heavy but it is a burden we were never meant to carry. Confession is good for the soul and brings peace. We need to receive the grace and forgiveness of God. It is important to forgive the face in the mirror too.

There is loss within the tale. It is a loss that unleashes a terrible hidden secret life. Guilt that a hurt went unseen weighs heavy as a character rails at God. “You don’t even care… Where are You? Do You even exist?” In our hurt and pain, it is all too easy to direct our anger at God. God stands firmly beside us in our suffering. He was there in the hurt and pain. He never leaves us but we cannot always see Him.

The sins of the fathers seem destined to be repeated. Somehow the cycle of sin must be broken, but at what cost?

We witness love in action as a character shows a pure love for the lost, the lonely and the vulnerable.

Life may be hard. This advice is given, “Keep God at your side, and He’ll walk you through.” Sometimes we cannot see the road ahead. We need to put our hand in God’s and trust Him to guide us through. “You can’t do without God. Don’t push God away.” Whatever we are facing, it is far better to face it with God. Do not walk alone through life.

Every chapter started with scripture reminding the reader of the importance of the Word in our lives.

Deborah Jean Miller has created a marvellous novel. I hope my review has done it justice as it was packed full of godly themes and advice that it is difficult to cover them all. The whole novel is permeated with the fragrance of God’s love. Pure love conquers all.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.NIV.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


2 thoughts on “The Essence Of Shade by Deborah Jean Miller

  1. Hello Julia,

    On December 21, 2019, you gave my debut novel, “The Essence of Shade”, a glowing review. Thank you!

    Fast forward to today. I have written another novel in the Heist Crime Fiction category titled “Escaping Pretense.” Although not Christian Fiction, is does lean toward Christianity which comes to light near the end of the novel.

    I’m wondering if you would be willing to review my current novel. It is not yet posted for sale, however, I plan to have that completed before the end of January, 2022.

    Look forward to your response.

    Kind Regards,


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