The Accidental Life Swap by Jennifer Joyce


The Accidental Life Swap by Jennifer Joyce is a delightfully amusing contemporary novel about the power and dreams and discovering your unique identity.

We all have dreams – dreams keep us focused, striving towards our goals. What happens when we are so dream focused that we cannot see the reality around us?

The novel explores identity. We all have a unique identity. We cannot be someone else. We need to be happy in the skin we are in. If we try to assume another’s identity, sooner or later we will have to come clean.

Jennifer Joyce has created a wonderful mix of characters. One elicited a feeling of dislike, whilst others I warmed to immediately. The underdog will always get my vote. Feelings of insecurity in a character appeal to my maternal side. There were some warm exchanges between characters. The village setting was community based.

An animal sanctuary nurses the abandoned back to life. An old house is renovated and a life is transformed and restored.

The style of the novel is engaging and highly amusing. It is a light-hearted look at life that welcomes the reader in.

Jennifer Joyce has created a marvellous novel that not only entertained me but consumed my every waking moment. When I was not reading, I was wondering how the characters were getting on! – And that is the power of the pen of Jennifer Joyce, I believed her characters were my friends. How about you? Pick up a copy of The Accidental Life Swap today and immerse yourself in the Cheshire countryside and the lives of the people there.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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