The Edge Of Mercy by Heidi Chiavaroli

The Caretaker

The Edge Of Mercy by Heidi Chiavaroli is a marvellous historical and contemporary Christian novel that focuses on life, love and new beginnings.

God is at the heart of the novel, working in the background, longing for us to return to Him. “God didn’t show up at church… if He had I missed Him.” God is with us everywhere we go. If we cannot ‘see’ or ‘feel’ Him, maybe our eyes and heart are not really looking. When we truly seek Him with all our heart, He will be found.

The novel explores the foundations of our lives. If our lives are built on anything but Jesus, we are on shaky ground. “If Jesus was supposed to save me, why did I feel like I constantly had to save myself?” We all have a God shaped hole that only He can fill, whether we realise it or not. If we continually chase after material things, we will be neglecting our spiritual life.

Within the story there is a marriage in crisis. There are some heart wrenching scenes. The reader can ‘see’ the pitfalls opening up but is powerless to prevent them. Trust is fractured and needs repairing. Forgiveness needs to be sought and also received but is it all too late?

Life throws us a rocky ride at times. It is here that we discover the foundation of our lives. “I am broken. I have only… God, or I am nothing.” God longs for us to turn to Him.

Prayer is simply talking to God. “I will continue to seek the Lord in prayer.” Sometimes there are no words. “I clung to one simple prayer… God, help.” God knows our hearts and our deepest needs, even when we cannot verbalise them.

The Edge Of Mercy has parallel stories running centuries apart. Technology has moved on but the human need for God, for love and relationships and for hope has changed little. “Finding hope when we are at our weakest.”

The Edger Of Mercy blends fact and fiction in a series of ancient letters that both engages and educates the reader. I thought it was a cracking story that informed me whilst also being very entertaining and revealing the steadfastness of God.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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