Best Christmas Ever

A Miracle For Ann by Sara Fitzgerald is a delightful Christian novella that will warm your heart as you read.
The focus of the story is two year old Ann who has autism. Having worked with teens with autism for many years, this book is very dear to my heart. Sara Fitzgerald has perfectly captured the mannerisms of a child with autism. The reader ‘feels’ the mother’s anguish and worries. A diagnosis of autism is not the end of the world.Children with autism have so much to give. “She has such great potential.”
The mother’s faith in God is catching as she realises the peace that only comes from trusting God. “A huge burden lifted…and a deep sense of peace” descended. Of course there will be times of questioning. “How could a loving God allow such things to happen?” Ultimately though we can trust that God is good.
A time of crisis will catapult people either towards God or away. “Some people drew closer to the Lord during crisis and others drifted further away.” Everyone deals with a crisis differently. God will always await our return to Him if we have wandered away.
Families are complicated affairs. Sometimes they pull together. Sometimes they tear apart. Not everyone has the same values. “His obsession with success and the finer things in life.” Stuff does not last. It does not satisfy as we continually chase after the next ‘new’ thing. People are far more important. Satisfaction is to be found in a ‘who’not a ‘what.’
I really loved A Miracle For Ann. It was a sweet story that awakened my heart from the start. The faith and belief in God was clear, as was the deep love for Ann.A totally charming read.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.