Do You Hear The People Sing?
The Power Of Music by Michael L Brown is a comprehensive guide exploring in depth, the power of music in the secular and the Christian markets. “The God who gave us words gave us music too.” The psalms were written to be sung along with musical accompaniment. King David loved his music and was even accused of being ‘undignified’ when dancing his praises. Music has the power to move us greatly and overflows into our feet.
Music has the power to unite. People down the ages have bonded over music. There are soundtracks of generations. Musical styles vary but each generation develops its own particular style.
A song has the power to transport you back through time. We all have special songs that evoke special memories. Songs are not just for the ear, the whole body is involved. Remembering songs will sometimes make us remember sights and smells too. It is so much easier to remember lyrics than those important dates for a history test!
Film soundtracks have power. The music directs our emotions and responses. Without the music to guide us, would we really ‘jump’ during scary films?
In recent years the Christian music scene has exploded. Worship styles in churches may vary from the traditional to the Hillsong style. Age old hymns are sung along with brand new worship hits such as What A Beautiful Name It Is.
Some songs stand the test of time. Down the generations Amazing Grace has always been popular. It has a powerful backstory too with John Newton being a former slave trader. Many songs have a story attached – such as the protest songs against the Vietnam War. Songs were written with the express purpose of uniting a people or a cause.
Music has the power to be used for good or evil. It can lift our moods and guide our hearts.
I found The Power Of Music a fascinating read. Full and comprehensive, covering all sorts of different mass market and Christian music. A fabulous read.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.