Why I Hate Green Beans by Lincee Ray

Refreshingly Honest

Why I Hate Green Beans by Lincee Ray is a collection of observations on life. Lincee Ray is honest, insightful and witty. The reader laughs and cries as we experience life with her. Lincee Ray recognises we need to “embrace the days when we aren’t feeling our best selves.” We need to seize the day.

The media puts pressure on women to look ‘perfect.’ Their idea of perfect seems to be stick thin with no blemishes. Every women seems to be under media pressure but we are “so much more than a number on a scale.” We need to be happy with the skin we are in and remember that we are created in the image of God. We are the daughters of the King.

Lincee Ray is honest in her observations. We feel her pain, as at her lowest she feels unlovable. However it is here where she meets Jesus who lifts her up. “At the crossroads of my life, I looked to His cross… a nail-scarred hand held me… I see you and I will never leave you.” Jesus knew what it was like to feel abandoned. I found this a very poignant moment as I realised the utter loneliness of Jesus as He hung on that cross. Yet He promises us that we will never feel that isolation as He will always be with us.

Why I Hate Green Beans is full of Godly wisdom. It is in Him that we find affirmation and unending love. People will let us down. Jesus never will.

This book is refreshingly honest. We recognise ourselves in some of the situations. At other times we just laugh along with Lincee Ray as her book is highly humorous.

An amusing and honest look at life and what is really important.

I received this book for free from Net Galley. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.






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