A Gift
A Vision Of Locusts by S.L. Russell is a powerful Christian contemporary thriller that had me hooked from the start.
There were many themes including that of visions. Visions are nothing new. They happened in the past. They will happen in the future. Visions foretell events to come. We will need help to interpret them. “I felt like I’ve opened a door I can’t shut, and nasty things are pouring out of it.” We need to seek God and trust Him to lead us.
Prayers are important. God longs to hear from us. Characters, who are not even sure if they believe, are urged to pray. Even if we do not believe in Him, God believes in us.
Life is so much more than we can see. Life is a spiritual battle. We need to put on the full armour of God which is His word. The Bible is God’s instruction manual to us. We would be wise to heed His words.
The novel explores the conflict occurring when Muslims convert to Christianity. “He thought I was a traitor.” Converts are cast out. They are dead to their family.
Mixed race marriages with Jesus at the centre are strong. A chord of three strands is not easily broken. The reader’s heart and soul are warmed.
Church Of England vicar are held in high regard. They are seen as wise spiritual leaders whose counsel is sought. They impart advice and cover their flock with prayer.
The novel has a sinister undertone. Not everyone is as they seem on the surface.
There are the themes of guilt and forgiveness. Realising that we both need to give and receive forgiveness is important.
Family bonds are strong. Loyalty comes from some unsuspecting places.
The use of social media offers a caution. Hacking may happen with far reaching consequences. Once it is out there, it is impossible to retrieve.
The novel deals with sin. We are all sinners in need of a Saviour.
Our choices are ours and ours alone. We need to make sure we make good ones.
The novel is written in both the first and third person. The reader becomes intimately acquainted with all that is happens. Although we do have many questions that will eventually be answered.
God is the God of second chances and new beginnings. He will repay the years that the locusts have eaten.
A Vision Of Locusts is a cracking thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.