Copycat by Alex Lake


Copycat by Alex Lake is a chilling contemporary psychological thriller. It messes with the minds of both the characters and the reader. As I read, I was unsure – what was reality? What was imagined? What was really going on?

Copycat was marvellously written. It had an incredible plotline. The reader heard a voice from ten years earlier, witnessed the story being told in the third person and heard the menacing first person voice. As I read, I searched for clues – who was the menacing one? Male? Female? Real? Imagined? More questions than answers.

The reader is drawn into the world of the main character. We ‘see’ and ‘experience’ life through their eyes, all the while questioning their sanity? Are we witnessing a slow decline? Is the person really who they say they are?

The novel jumps from Maine to London and back again. As an English woman, it was great to be able to recognise the London locations.

Copycat is about love – a sacrificial love, caring only for the well being of the family.

The novel is also about friendships. Friendships that will support through thick and thin.

Copycat is menacing. It plays with your mind and has you questioning from the start. The psychological torture is mirrored with the threat of physical torture. This book will have you checking behind the doors of your mind. Do not read it alone.

A marvellous read, definitely to be devoured with the light on!

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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