Blink by S.A. Jewell

The Domino Effect

Blink by S.A Jewell is an end times novel. It is a comprehensive read interspersed with biblical passages mainly from Revelation.

Whilst it is a work of fiction, it also contains apocalyptic warnings as foretold in the Bible.

The novel shows the importance of having a genuine faith. You may be able to fool others but you will never fool God. He knows our hearts. “Just because you call yourself a Christian doesn’t… make you a Christian… If you don’t have a true faith then it doesn’t mean anything.” People may go to church. They may even do good works but that is religion. A true faith is having a relationship with Jesus. It is knowing the heart of God and it is Him knowing yours.

The novel explores choice and choosing the right path. Anyone who is not for Jesus is against Him. It reminds the reader that the Bible says it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Our choices that we make in this life will determine where we spend eternity.

There is the theme of the love of money and power. “He now says you can never have enough success or money.” Stuff does not last. A relationship with God will last into eternity. We need to make sure we have the correct priorities.

The novel shows how families, friends and work colleagues can be split when it comes to having faith. Each one of us is responsible for our own faith. We will never get into Heaven by hanging on to someone else’s faith.

There are words of wisdom contained within the novel. I will leave you with my favourite… “You can’t kill a Christian. You can only change his address.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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