A Door Cracked Open by Carmina Edwards is a Christian coming of age novel set in the 1970’s. It is the first book in the World Cracked Open series and a most enjoyable read.
The novel shows the damage we can inflict on others by our words. Words that form our personal opinion of ourselves so we live up to what we believe. “She had believed she deserved nothing.” Words spoken over our lives can stick, for good or for bad. We need to listen to life affirming voices that build up and do not tear down.
The leading lady is eleven year old Amy. The reader watches as she grows throughout her teenage years. With the novel being written in the third person but from Amy’s viewpoint, the reader becomes intimately acquainted with her. We celebrate her highs and her lows.
The novel is about resilience and a reliance on self. However when we come to the end of ourselves, we need to make sure it is to God that we turn. In spite of being bought up by a family of atheists, Amy realises that God is out there. “I can do this. Please God, help me.”
Negative words crush spirits and stunt growth. The novel shows the power of good people in our lives. People who believe in us and are kind. A little kindness will go a long way.
The novel is about journeys – literal journeys and the journey to awakening. A journey of discovery – who we are and whose we are.
The reader experiences life in both England and Sweden. The atmosphere in England is stifling and oppressive and contrasts with the freedom and clean air of Sweden.
A Door Cracked Open is a powerful read and a cautionary tale about the power of words. May our words always build people up. May we be careful with our tongues, they can destroy people in a moment. I am looking forward to the subsequent books in the series.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.
A Door Cracked Open blog tour on Celebrate Lit