Entertaining Angels by Janet Hosier and Liza Hoeksma


Entertaining Angels by Janet Hosier and Liza Hoeksma tells the true story of New Hope Trust in Watford, a centre for the homeless. The book shows that if God gives you a dream, He will provide all you need to fulfil it. Every prayer will be answered and every need met.

No one chooses to be homeless. Circumstances happen and people end up on the streets. Here they are treated as social pariahs, when what they all long for is social contact with other human beings as much as practical help – a friendly face and a kind word as well as food and shelter.

Often homelessness goes hand in hand with alcohol and/or drug abuse. Help is needed to beat these addictions.

New Hope Trust shows love and care to the homeless. They get practical help too. And then they are introduced to a God who loves them. We are called to be the eyes and ears, hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world.

New Hope Trust grew from a seed planted in a heart and watered by God. We all need to build our God given dreams. We need to use what we have, where we are to help a hurting world. We need to be open handed and generous with our time, finances and talents.

Entertaining Angels is an inspiring read that will build your faith. Great things can grow from small seeds when done in partnership with God.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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