The Amish Widower by Virginia Smith

The Potter’s Wheel

The Amish Widower by Virginia Smith is a wonderful Amish tale focusing on the theme of forgiveness.

Life can be hard. We receive knocks we weren’t expecting. We have a choice… run to God or run from God. Both scenarios occur in the novel. Life without God equates to lack of peace. Questioning one’s faith in times of hardship is not wrong. “Did no one know how often I had questioned my faith?” It is in the trials, the tribulations, the questions and the doubt, that we grow.

Withholding forgiveness can warp our lives as we become bitter and fearful. If we hold on to unforgiveness, we risk the sin of hubris. God forgives and we must too. Without forgiveness, we risk a life of pain that will destroy us from the inside out. “Forgiving is what we do when we can no longer stand the ain of not forgiving.” Forgiving is a choice. Sometimes a choice that we have to choose to do again and again. Forgiving is not easy. The hardest person to forgive, is the one in the mirror. We may think we do not deserve forgiveness and we would be right… no one deserves forgiveness but that is where God steps in and extends grace and forgiveness to all who truly repent. ” If  a man receives only what he deserves, we are all doomed.”

Guilt is another theme. Guilt weighs us down. It is a heavy burden to carry when our guilt is linked to our unforgiveness of ourselves. We need to release our burden to God and let Him work in our lives.

There is the theme of healing – both physical and spiritual. The latter can only be done by God if we let Him in. “Gott cannot heal you from something you hold so tightly.”

Everyone has scars. Some are visible. Others are not. The novel deals with the theme of PTSD, showing how both prayer and health professionals are needed for healing.

There is a wonderful motif of a potter and his clay. God is the master potter. We are the clay. We are shaped and refined by Him individually and uniquely. Each one of us is a person of beauty in the hands of God.

The theme of prodigals is present in the story. The reader waits with baited breath to see if any return.

There is a wonderful family feel to the novel. Community is important too. Bonding over food made this reader feel decidedly peckish!

The Amish Widower was written in the first person from a male point of view. In spite of being female, he was easy to empathise with. It was a wonderful read, with many godly themes, and I loved it.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.




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