Soar Like Eagles by Terri Wangard

An Epic Story

soarSoar Like Eagles by Terri Wangard is a Christian historical romance. It is the third book in the Promise For Tomorrow series but can be read as a stand-alone. I did enjoy meeting up with familiar faces from previous novels.

Soar Like Eagles concentrates on navigator Chet and Red Cross girl Carol. Both come from America to England to serve in 1944. The reader follows their fortunes as the action alternates between the two. The reader becomes intimately acquainted with war as the action moves from land to sky, England to mainland Europe. War is futile. Mothers on both sides lose sons and daughters. “It ought to be raining because Heaven is surely weeping.” War is not glorified in the novel. Terri Wangard pulls no punches. She tells it as it is. It is messy. It is hard. It is gruesome.

The intimate details of a flight navigator are included showing that Terri Wangard has researched well. The reader learns battle facts along the way as fact meets fiction. We also follow the trail of destruction across Europe.

War reveals the true nature of people. Some are honourable. Some are not. War shows ordinary people who do extraordinary acts of bravery with no thought to their own safety.

In times of war belief in God is vital. He gives one hope. “God take care of him, please.” Saying goodbye is hard. We have to hand our loved ones over to God’s care.

I really enjoyed Soar Like Eagles. It engaged my attention from the start. Terri Wangard writes cracking stories. She combines both the epic tale with minute details. I can highly recommend her novels.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.



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