Healing Of The Heart by Loree Lough

The Healing Hearts Tour

healingHealing Of The Heart by Loree Lough is a delightful Christian historical romance. It is the third book in the Secrets On Sterling Street but can be read as a stand-alone. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

There are many themes in the novel including that of faith and trust in God. God gave us free will but we need to trust Him as His plans are so much greater for us than our own. We especially need to trust Him when the road ahead is unclear.

Prayer is important. Prayer is communing with God. We need to thank Him for our food and bring our petitions and thanks to Him daily. I found the prayers of the young children at bedtime particularly touching.

The novel deals with the themes of appearances and judgment. Often we are too quick to judge by external appearances when we really need to look at people’s hearts and not judge at all.

Ruby and her mother Cordelia are on a road trip to heal hearts. They are trying to right the wrongs of Ruby’s father. Sometimes their open handed generosity is viewed with suspicion. They seem to be trying to get restitution with their good deeds. The reader is reminded that we cannot work our way into God’s good books. We are welcomed by God because of grace and the sacrifice of Jesus.

The theme of guilt runs throughout the novel. The weight of her father’s sins weighs Ruby down but it is not her burden to carry. “Pray about this guilt you feel… because it isn’t yours to carry.” We need to hand our burdens over to God.

The tale has the theme of taking care of the widows and orphans. We need to provide care for and speak up for those without a voice.

There is a wonderful feeling of community within the novel. In times of crisis the whole town pulls together.

There is an undercurrent of romance bubbling away beneath the surface. It is delightful to watch it unfold.

The characters are all endearing. I loved the way Ruby and Rex bounced off each other. Orphans Peyton and Arlo were delightful. And Mavis had a wonderful air of warm hospitality about her.

Healing Of The Heart was my first novel by Loree Lough and I absolutely loved it and devoured it. Loree Lough writes with warmth and humour. I can certainly recommend Healing Of The Heart and I intend to hunt out more novels by Loree Lough.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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