Worth Waiting For
A Love Transformed by Tracie Peterson is the third book in the Sapphire Brides trilogy but it can be read as a stand-alone. The novel is a Christian historical romance set in 1917, just as America had entered World War I. It is a wonderful read and one that will take up residence in the reader’s heart.
The novel deals with espionage, murder and intrigue. It will have you guessing the outcome throughout.
Tracie Peterson always writes cracking stories with God at the heart. Her recipe for life is “Seeking God. Knowing God. Obeying God. Trusting God.” She shows how it is important to know not only God but His word. “Her only comfort had been her Bible.” At all times we need to seek God’s word.
Having faith in God means having a relationship with Him. This includes talking to God. There is no area of our lives where God does not want to be involved. “I need Your divine direction.”
Families are important. Clara has delightful four year old twins. They just crawl into the reader’s heart. Their happiness is definitely our happiness. Tracie Peterson has delightfully captured their speech and antics.
We all have a past. We have all sinned. We all need forgiveness. These are just some of the topics that the novel explores. In Jesus we are a new creation. Once we know Him, we find that the enemy likes to distract our focus. We need to make sure we listen to the voice of God. “He was a new creation in Christ, but the devil wanted to convince him otherwise, and the devil had a much louder voice.”
Tracie Peterson shows how it is all too easy to wallow in our past mistakes. “I can’t forgive myself.” We must forgive ourselves because God has forgiven all who truly repent. To withhold forgiveness would be raising ourselves above God and hubris is wrong.
A Love Transformed deals with the topic of happiness. For some happiness is tied up in money and possessions. This will always produce temporary highs as one chases the next ‘greatest’ thing. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money will never buy happiness. “He gave me everything but love.” A heart full of God and full of love is the secret to contentment and happiness. “The true love of family and friends had transformed her children from sullen and cautious to joyful.”
Mood is improved in the novel as the action travels from the crowded New York City to the open Montana countryside. The presence of God is felt when there are no competing things vying for attention. “She had never felt so close to God as she did here in the wide open country.” People mistakenly believe the place to meet God is in church but God can be met anywhere and everywhere.
There is a searching to belong and be loved. “She was lonely… in a house full of people.” We can often feel loneliest in a crowd.
A home cannot be bought. Tracie Peterson shows home is where we feel safe, secure and loved. “My mother would say I’ve run away but I believe I’ve come home.” The pull of the place where we felt loved is irresistible.
I have absolutely loved this Sapphire Brides trilogy. I love everything that Tracie Peterson writes. I am looking forward to whatever she writes next!
I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review. No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.