Christmas At The Ragdoll Orphanage by Suzanne Lambert

A Life Living And Loving Others

ChristmasChristmas At The Ragdoll Orphanage by Suzanne Lambert is a powerful memoir of the bond between Nancy and her daughter Susan. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry.

Nancy had a heart just made for mothering. Living and working in Nazareth House for thirty six years meant many children passed through her care. However only one six day old baby girl stole her heart. Nancy may not have birthed Susan but their bond could not have been closer.

The book is written from the perspective of both Nancy and Susan. An overwhelming sense of love pervades the whole novel.

Prejudices and discrimination were rife in Britain in the 1950’s. Unmarried mothers were forced to give up their babies. Children of mixed races were frowned upon. Walking out with children but without a ring on her finger earned Nancy many stares. “It was injustice and prejudice at its worse… God forgive them.” Nancy rose above the looks, the stares and the gossip. She loved unconditionally. She had no prejudices, just a great big heart that kept on giving.

Nancy was ‘love in action.’ Her feelings of love were not voiced. She lived out her love. “The words ‘I love you’ were in every thought, word and deed.”

There was a great sense of community in the book. “The people on the street had very little but what they had they were always willing to share.” People looked out for each other. Today in our fast paced lives, we have ceased to see and to care. Community is missing today.

There were some highly amusing anecdotes in the book. I particularly liked the account of the various disasters that had accompanied Susan’s acting career. They had me laughing out loud.

I really enjoyed Christmas At The Ragdoll Orphanage. I wish I had known Nancy, although having read the book, it felt like I did. It’s a wonderful memoir of a life living and loving others. I can highly recommend it.





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