For Heaven’s Sake by John Edwards

An Ordinary Man Living An Extraordinary Life

For Heavens SakeFor Heaven’s Sake by John Edwards is the second part of his autobiography. His story began in book one Walking Free.

John Edwards is an ex drug addict and an alcoholic. He has known what it is like to be homeless, to be unnoticed and to be ignored. John Edwards is now a Christian who has been clean and in recovery for twenty two years. He dedicates his life to helping other addicts and homeless people. Together with his wife Tricia they have opened their arms, their hearts and their home to the lost, the hurting and the ignored. John believes “It’s not about me or us; our life needs to be about others.”

John Edwards talks honestly within his book. He talks about God and the desire for us all to know Him. “I qualified for Heaven because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.” This desire has meant John has done amazing things to reach others. He has walked all over Britain, Ireland and America carrying an eleven foot cross, a lightweight coffin and a five foot syringe… although not all at the same time. “People do not so much see me but they see the cross.” These are all starting points for conversations.

John Edwards lives with a heart open to God. It is “important to pay attention to these promptings of the Holy Spirit; people’s lives may depend on it.” John listens, acts and obeys when he hears God’s voice.

Within the book John talks about Heaven. He finds it incredulous that whilst people research holidays, days out etc, very few research Heaven, the eternal destination. As Steve Gambill says in the introduction “eternity is so much more than what you are saved from; it is what you are saved for.”

John Edward’s life has not been easy, even after he found Jesus. He has fought Hep C and cancer, as well as having others threaten to kill him. He says that “God meets us at our point of need.”

John’s life is totally dedicated to helping the addicts and the homeless. He works tirelessly on their behalf. He has set up centres of hope. He has done TV broadcasts. He has walked to raise awareness. He has given totally of himself. John has set up a ministry to help addicts called Walking Free ( He has done all this and more in partnership with God, saying “God steps out from Heaven to reach just one person if we will just be willing to put in the effort to reach them.”

For Heaven’s Sake is a truly amazing read. John Edwards is an ordinary person who has done extraordinary things for God. You have to read this book – it is inspiring.

God bless you John and Tricia.



Link to Walking Free webpage



One thought on “For Heaven’s Sake by John Edwards

  1. Thank you Julia for bringing this amazing testimony to your sisters in Heart”wings!” There is so much to be learned from John’s experience and His service to God. j

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