Tag Archive | The Bad Mothers Wedding

The Bad Mother’s Wedding by Suzy K Quinn

Fun And Relatable

The Bad Mother’s Wedding by Suzy K Quinn is a delightful contemporary novel. It is the fifth book in the Bad Mother’s series but can be read as a stand-alone. It is the first book in the series that I have read and now I REALLY want to read the books 1-4.

The style is in the form of a diary so we become intimately acquainted with the lead character. We know her thoughts and opinions on all things. It really does feel like we are sneaking a peak into her life.

2020 has been a year like no other. We all need a lift in our spirits and The Bad Mother’s Wedding is the book to do it. The action mirrors the actual events of the pandemic and is therefore easy to identify with. Imagine the difficulties trying to plan a wedding. It felt like road blocks were continually being thrown up. Plans had to be flexible and adaptable. Stress levels were high.

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