Tag Archive | Test Of Faith

Test Of Faith by Bonnie S Hirst

Inspirational Faith

Test Of Faith: Surviving My Daughter’s Life Sentence by Bonnie S Hirst is the true story of the remarkable faith of a mother whose daughter is serving a life sentence. This book is truly inspiring. At times there are naturally wobbles in the author’s faith but she clings to the hope that God is good. Circumstances may be awful but God is still good.

There are times when Bonnie Hirst asks “Where are You, God?” Sometimes it feels like God is absent but God never leaves us. He sends people alongside us at just the right time to support us.

Prayer is important. When our prayers are seemingly unanswered, it is normal to wonder “Did I not pray correctly?” Prayer is not a magic formula nor a lamp to be rubbed. Prayer is always answered in God’s way and in His timing. Prayer should come from the heart. It may be as simple as “Dear Lord be with us.”

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