Tag Archive | Spring Splash

Spring Splash by Denise Weimer

Uniquely Beautiful

Spring Splash by Denise Weimer is a wonderful contemporary Christian novel that surrounds two of my passions – swimming and special needs teens. It is a powerful read about pursuing your dreams, trying your best and celebrating successes.

I have worked with special needs children aged 11- 18 years in the local high school for thirteen years and it has been a joy and a pleasure. I totally connected with Spring Splash and ‘felt’ the love and had empathy with the young swimmers and their passion for sport. “No one is too broken in the water. No one is too heavy. No one is too clumsy. We’re all the same.” Swimming is a great leveller. It improves health, releases endorphins and enables all to glide through the water.

There were other sports in the novel. I loved the quote from a young runner. “When I run, I’m like everyone else.”

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