Tag Archive | Sapphire Secrets

Sapphire Secrets by Dawn V Cahill

The Truth Shall Set You Free

SecretsSapphire Secrets by Dawn V Cahill is a Christian romantic novel and the first book in the Seattle trilogy. I absolutely loved it.

Sapphire Secrets is set around a mystery – twins Livy and DeeDee found their mother dead but twenty years later Livy still cannot remember exactly what happened. Though only six years old at the time, Livy suffered from PTSD. The novel shows how sufferers can continue to struggle until they get professional help. PTSD affects every area of your life including your sleeping.

The novel centres on Jesus. There is a debate between Jesus being Who He said He was or just a good man. This extends further into the religion versus relationship argument. Many people claim to be Christians but know nothing of Jesus. “Jesus Christ is a person, not a creed.”

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