Tag Archive | Roots Of Wood And Stone

Roots Of Wood And Stone by Amanda Wem

Legacies And Heritage

Roots Of Wood And Stone by Amanda Wen is a charming Christian dual timeline novel about family and inheritance.

The book is set in present day and the mid nineteenth century in the form of diaries found in a grandmother’s attic. We all want to know where we came from so we can plan where we are going. We want to be “filling in the blanks” in our backstories.

God’s plans are the key to a fulfilled life. “He’d followed his own plans. Leaned on his own understanding.” When we stubbornly refuse to press into God and to lean on Him, we will always be dissatisfied.

When life is uncertain, prayer is the only way to go. “Nothing could steal the joy of answered prayer.” Answers to prayer may not always be what we expected but as joy bubbles up we know we are in the right place. Sometimes we do not know what to pray but our “frantic wordless prayers” are always heard.

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