Tag Archive | Returning Home

Returning Home by Toni Shiloh


Returning Home by Toni Shiloh is the most delightful Christian romance. It is the first book in the Freedom Lake series and I cannot wait for the rest.

The novel deals with loss – the loss of a planned future that creates a hardening of the heart towards God. “He and God weren’t on speaking terms.” A belief that God has abandoned us is a lie from the enemy. God is always with us and walks alongside us in our pain. He waits for us to return. “Until you turn back to God, you’ll have no peace… bitterness will… take root… until you are godless.”

Past events have the power to cause bitterness to grow and root. The answer is to forgive. Forgive all those past hurts that rob us of present joy.

There is the theme of trust. God longs for us to return to Him and trust Him. “Lord forgive my silence.” We can trust Him at all times. “You don’t have to worry. God’s got this.” Worry is linked to fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. If we have faith and trust God, we need not fear.

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Returning Home by Toni Shiloh


Returning Home by Toni Shiloh is the most delightful Christian romance. It is the first book in the Freedom Lake series and I cannot wait for the rest.

The novel deals with loss – the loss of a planned future that creates a hardening of the heart towards God. “He and God weren’t on speaking terms.” A belief that God has abandoned us is a lie from the enemy. God is always with us and walks alongside us in our pain. He waits for us to return. “Until you turn back to God, you’ll have no peace… bitterness will… take root… until you are godless.”

Past events have the power to cause bitterness to grow and root. The answer is to forgive. Forgive all those past hurts that rob us of present joy.

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