Tag Archive | Rachel McMillan

The Bachelor Girl’s Guide To Murder by Rachel McMillan

Modern Women Solving Crimes

Bachelor Girls Guide To MurderThe Bachelor Girl’s Guide To Murder by Rachel McMillan is a Christian historical novel set in Toronto at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The heroines Merinda and Jem are very modern women for their time. Neither are married, inspite of parental pressure. In an age where marriage was the be all and end all, the bachelor girls are certainly defying convention. At night they both wear men’s clothing to enable them to walk the streets safely. They have set themselves up to solve crimes. The amateur sleuths base themselves on Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in their thoughts and actions. As with the famous duo, so one is a more dominant personality than the other.

The novel explores the criminal underworld. The streets of Toronto prove to be a very dangerous place after dark, especially for women alone.

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