Tag Archive | Patrick McElligott

On Giant’s Shoulders by Patrick McElligott


On Giant’s Shoulders by Patrick McElligott is a true and inspiring account of a life lived for over thirty years as a missionary in Japan.

Patrick McElligott writes in a very personable style, with the result that the reader feels as if we are reading an account from a dear friend. We hear about the author’s poor beginnings in Deptford and about a Christ-filled, servant-hearted life in Japan.

We all have a God-shaped hole that nothing else can fill. “I set my heart seeking until I found.” God longs to be found by each and every one of us.

God has uniquely created us. “The Lord had not called me to copy others.” God has planted our own hopes, dreams and talents within us. We are called to follow our own paths and not the paths of others.

Nothing can be established without bathing it in prayer. We need to bring both our small and our large concerns to God. “She spoke to the Father as if He were right beside her.” Prayer is for our benefit, as we establish a relationship with God.

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