Tag Archive | Michael J Webb

Ghost by Michael Jack Webb

Complex And Thrilling

Ghost by Michael Jack Webb is an exciting contemporary Christian supernatural thriller. It is the first book in The Justice Chronicles series.

Once again Michael Webb has created a complex plotline that draws the reader in from the start. Life is so much more than we can see, feel and hear. There is the supernatural that exists alongside the ordinary. The reader witnesses the struggle between good and evil. Life is a spiritual battle. In order to defeat the darkness, we need to stand on the word of God.

The characters are realistically drawn. They are fully rounded and believable.

Within the novel we witness a search for roots. We all want to know our history.

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Devil’s Cauldron by Michael Jack Webb

The Battle Is Not Ours

Devil’s Cauldron by Michael Jack Webb is a thrilling Christian dystopian novel revealing that life is a battle between the forces of good and evil. It is the second book in the series The War Of Men And Angels.

Once more the reader is in for an exciting read as the team battles against the forces of darkness. Mythical creatures, foretold in the Bible, emerge. The battles cannot always be fought in our strength. We are reminded that the battle is not ours but the Lord’s. “Whatever God has in mind for you, it’s not dependent upon your strength.”

We must remember to put on the full armour of God. Prayer is most important. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

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Infernal Gates by Michael J Webb

The Battle Is Not Yours

Infernal Gates by Michael J Webb is a thrilling Christian end times adventure suspense that will have the reader on the edge of their seat.

Life is so much more than we can see, hear and touch. It is a spiritual battle. “The spiritual realm was more real to her than the one her five senses revealed.” The battle has been raging since the dawn of time. We need to fight it on our knees, calling out to God. The battle is not ours but His.

There is power in the Name of Jesus. At His Name the demons will flee. We need to know that we can call on Jesus at any time.

God has a plan for our lives. Some of us were chosen for such a time as this. No matter how dark life looks, God walks beside us. Life can be horrendous. “Where was God in the camps?” It may seem like God is absent but we cannot rely on our feelings, no matter what they say, God will never leave us. We must be sure to “never give up hope. Even in the darkest places.” Without hope the people perish.

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The Oldest Enemy by Michael J Webb

A Spiritual Battle Reigns

The Oldest Enemy by Michael J Webb is a complex Christian novel about the spiritual battle between good and evil. It is a battle that has been raging since the dawn of time. The Oldest Enemy is grounded in historical facts that Michael J Webb has blended with his imagination to produce a tale that consumes.

The novel shows there is a very real spiritual battle as a character made an oath with the Prince of Darkness. Evil cannot be defeated in our human strength. We must call on the name of Jesus. “Rely upon our Lord … and you will not fail.”

The novel is covered with the love of God. The God who whispered names in the Bible still whispers names today. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

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