Tag Archive | Margaret Kazmierczak

Book Review: How To Make Victoria Sponge by Margaret Kazmierczak

Beautiful And Life Changing

How To Make Victoria Sponge 2As soon as the first page is read, you can usually tell if you are going to like a book. I read the first page of How To Make Victoria Sponge: a journey of faith  by Margaret Kazmierczak, and I knew that I was going to love the book.

Victoria Sponge is a wife, daughter and mother to four children. She lives an ordinary life, and shares just one week in the book. The book is split into chapters, one for each day. Each day is split into morning, afternoon, evening and night.

The novel is written in the first person from the perspective of Victoria Sponge. It is a very clever book, with each part of the narrative divided into present action, Victoria’s prayers and God’s words to her. These are all very clear as each is shown by a different print. The whole novel flows perfectly, and leaves the reader with a feeling of calm and great beauty.

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