Tag Archive | Love God

Love, God by Deborah J Simmons-Roslak and Linda J Orber

Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean

Love, God by Deborah J Simmons-Roslak and Linda J Orber is a powerful book about the love that God has for us. His love is as vast as the ocean. This book will help you draw as close to God as you want to.

The book is split into short sections. Each section is sub divided into sayings from others, explaining a theory such as fear, blessings, grace etc., ‘a moment to listen’ to what God might be saying to you, guided meditation to help you press into God with the help of questions and relaxing techniques such as imagining yourself in the arms of God, and finally a space to write your thoughts.

I read this book in just a couple of sittings. However I think it would be a great study aid for Life Groups to work through a section at a time. Or also for personal reflection and growth, taking a section at a time.

Love, God is an aid to help you grow your relationship with God. It is a book about love because God is love. “Jesus… showed us what Love looked like.” How would our lives look if we let love be our motivation and our driving force?

We are our own worst critics. We sit in judgment of ourselves daily. Actually we are “the delight of Heaven.”

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