Tag Archive | Lonnie Hull Dupont

Kit Kat And Lucy by Lonnie Hull Dupont

Heart Warming

kitKit Kat And Lucy by Lonnie Hull Dupont is a delightful account of life with two cats, neither of which were purchased by the author. Both appeared seemingly out of nowhere and looking for love. Lonnie Hull Dupont tried to find alternative homes as her husband was allergic to cats. Circumstances arose and she fell in love with them. “If she [the cat] wants to be here that badly, then she can be.”

The author had grown up with pets but city living meant hers was a pet free zone for twenty years. “This country mouse rather happily turned into a city rat.” Lonnie Hull Dupont had always been closer to animals than people and reminisces about her childhood, saying “The cats were my best friends of all.”

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