Tag Archive | Lisa Unger

The Stranger Inside by Lisa Unger

Pandora’s Box

The Stranger Inside by Lisa Unger is a compelling contemporary psychological murder suspense. It will keep the reader on their toes as they read with heart racing.

Lisa Unger has created a marvellous well thought out plotline that both entertains and horrifies. She presents a world that is not a clear cut black and white but comprised of various shades of grey.

Life is a lottery, a series of choices. If we had chosen differently, the outcome would have been vastly altered.

Monsters lurk around in various guises, some we recognise, others surprise us.

Traumatic events haunt lives. We seem like we can never break free. PTSD does not just happen to service men and women, it can happen to anyone at any time.

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Under My Skin by Lisa Unger

The Power Of Dreams

Under My Skin by Lisa Unger is a fabulous contemporary psychological crime thriller that I just could not put down.

The story is a study of grief. “I don’t have a home. I have a place where I live, but not a home.” It is a grief so raw that it clings like a fog, from which it is impossible to emerge. “Until you let your husband go, no one else will measure up.” But what happens if you do not want to let him go?

As part of a couple, it feels like a limb has been severed. “Widowed… it defines me by the loss of my husband.” So much of life was wrapped up as a couple, that losing one’s mate gives a feeling of lostness. Life continues but it seems hard to see how you can go on. “There’s life on the other side of this for you.”

There is a crime to solve. As characters struggle to find answers, so the reader looks for clues.

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