Tag Archive | Into The Room

Into The Room by Steven Rogers

The Power To Change Lives

Into The Room by Steven Rogers is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that completely consumed me. It was utterly brilliant as I witnessed dying to self and living for Jesus.

We meet a man whose lifestyle sees him spiraling downwards. He is an alcoholic with no incentive to stop stop as“When I stop drinking, I feel worthless.” He doesn’t like himself and feels powerless. “I’ve created a person I hate, supported by a lifestyle I refuse to abandon.” Alcohol has been in charge since he was fifteen years old.

The reader joins a trip to the Holy Land to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. It is twelve days with the potential to change a life forever. Each day presents an opportunity to draw closer to God.

We witness the love of Jesus for the hurting and the broken, as it shines through the lives of others. As the leading man fights his personal demons, he is not alone. “No matter how far away I go, I can’t get away from myself.” Something needs to change.

The character needs Jesus but He believes he is too bad for God. “Even if He’s there, God couldn’t possibly have room for me.” God has room for everyone. He asks us to come as we are and He will transform us from the inside out. But first we must ask Him into our lives.

There is the theme of forgiveness. We are already forgiven by God, now we must forgive ourselves.

Prayer is important. Prayer is talking to God. “Lots of prayers are distressed pleas.” God longs to answer the cries of our heart.

Watching the birth of a new Christian is a beautiful thing. We see the old life stripped away and a new life put on.

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