Tag Archive | Fearless Faith

Fearless Faith by Joan Hufman

An Enabling Book

Fearless Faith by Joan Huffman is a great little book that explores how to live out our faith in spite of our fears.

Knowing God means we should be able to live fruitful and fearless lives. We all have areas of our lives that cause us to fear. “Fear cripples us.” Joan Huffman examines various topics that make us fearful – giants, talents, brokenness, scars, etc – She gives pointers as to how we can overcome our fears by trusting in God. “My fear was great but God was greater.”

Each chapter opens with a Biblical passage and closes with questions designed for self examination, to enable us to live out our fearless faith.

A wonderful book. I will end with a quote that Joan Huffman included from Ernest Hemmingway that really says it all:

“Courage is grace under pressure.”

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