Tag Archive | Earl Robinson

Our Road To Adoption by Earl Robinson

Tomorrow Is Just Another Day You’ll Never Forget

Our Road To Adoption by Earl Robinson is a powerful and heart wrenching account of the adoption process in England by an American couple. It was a long journey from start to finish but well worth the wait to experience a day you’ll never forget.

The story is told in ‘real’ time interspersed with blog excerpts and biblical tales with commentaries. Through it all the overwhelming message is that God is faithful. He orchestrates our lives. “There aren’t any coincidences, just the handprints of God.” We must be prepared to be patient, accepting God’s timing which is perfect and not rush things as Abraham did.

There is adoption into human families and there is adoption, available for us all, into God’s family. I loved the phrase, “Jesus moved into the neighbourhood.” “He became little and walked the lonely and dusty streets.” Wow, imagine having Jesus as your brother. We do! God is His Father and God is our Father too.

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