Tag Archive | Clayborne Carson

The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King jr by Clayborne Carson

An Incredible Man Of God

MLKThe Autobiography Of Martin Luther King jr by Clayborne Carson is an amazing read. Clayborne Carson has taken Martin Luther King’s notes, speeches etc and turned them in to a powerful read about Martin Luther King’s life from the cradle to the grave.

Martin Luther King was a fighter. He fought using love. Gandhi influenced him to take the path of non violence. Gandhi resisted with love not hate. “An eye for an eye just succeeds in making the whole world blind.” Martin Luther King inspired thousands of Negroes to take the same path. They had a hope that there would be change. They had a love for each other and for all mankind.

Martin Luther King was the son. grandson and great grandson of a preacher. He knew God and he knew that he must not take his focus off Him. “Keep Martin Luther King in the background and God in the foreground… You are a channel of the gospel and not the source.” Wise words from Martin Luther King.

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