Tag Archive | Carolyn Hayes

Where Are You Feinstein? by Carolyn Hayes

Are You Ready?

Where Are You Feinstein? by Carolyn Hayes is a Christian tale just perfect for any age. It’s question “Where are you?” forces us to examine exactly where am I in my walk with Jesus? Many Biblical characters were asked this question so we are in good company.

The foundation of our life is crucial. If we build our lives on anything but Jesus, we will be in trouble.

The End Times are coming. Are we ready for them?

Where Are You Feinstein? entertains whilst making us examine our faith. Will we hear “well done good and faithful servant” at the end of our life? Self examination is a good thing to do. We do not want to miss Jesus because we were distracted.

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When Our Feet Can No Longer Dance by Carolyn Hayes

Answering Age Old Questions

When Our Feet Can No Longer Dance by Carolyn Hayes is a Christian allegorical tale that looks at three questions that concern many – about suffering and evil; is Jesus really God?; and who wrote the Bible and can it be trusted? It is perfect for anyone from child to adult. The answers to the questions are all backed up by scripture.

The story is simple yet effective, designed to get us all thinking.

Illustrated by Angelo Rivera, there are some beautiful and strong images. My favourite was of Jesus as a baby and on the cross.

A great addition to any bookshelf and one to revisit again and again, especially in times of doubt.

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A Mother’s Heart by Carolyn Hayes

Stunningly Beautiful

A Mother’s Heart by Carolyn Hayes is a stunningly beautiful Christian allegorical story that will warm your heart. It is perfect for any age. You will never be tooold or too young for this book.

A Mother’s Heart is filled with Godly wisdom and scripture. The story is beautiful in its simplicity – a mother is searching for her child. Likewise God is searching for each and every one of us.

The story is a journey of discovery which leads to faith. Its message of aligning our will with God’s is powerful and will bring a tear to your eye.

The stunningly beautiful story is backed up with beautiful, powerful yet simple illustrations. I could gaze at the cover forever. My favourite illustration was that of the cross. It was so powerful.

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