Tag Archive | Bill Myers

Probing by Various

Tick Tock

Probing is a Christian supernatural suspense. It is the third book in the Harbingers series but the reader really needs to read books one and two first as the action follows on.

Once more there are four stories, each from a different viewpoint and by a different author – Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt and Alton Gansky. The stories are all unique and follow on chronologically.

The fight against evil forces continues. The novel shows it is always best to fight evil with prayer.

Faith in God can help give us the correct moral compass. “If it wasn’t for God, I’d never have the strength to do what is right.” We have to do right no matter what others around us are doing.

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The Assault by Various

The Battle Continues

The Assault is a Christian supernatural suspense that will have the reader on the edge of their seat. It is the second book in the Harbingers series. I would recommend reading the first book Invitation as the action continues from there.

Once again the book has four unique stories with the focus on four different lead characters. Each story is written by a different author – Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt and Alton Gansky – but they follow on chronologically.

The fight against the forces of evil continues. Life is so much more than we can see. When we feel overwhelmed by things we cannot alter we need to remember “God wins in the end.” The battle is not ours but the Lords. “Oh, Lord Jesus, don’t let ’em win.” God is on our side. The question is, are we on His?

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Invitation by Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt and Alton Gansky

A Spiritual Battle Against The Darkness

Invitation is a unique collection of four stories. They are Christian supernatural suspense and very intelligently written. Each story has its own author… Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt and Alton Gansky… and each tale follows on chronologically but from a different character’s viewpoint.

The characters each have their own skill set and gifting which they apply in an attempt to make sense of supernatural happenings that cannot be explained or understood. The reader sees that life is a battle between good and evil. We must “stay on the path” of goodness.

God speaks through dreams. He foretells what is to come so characters are prepared. We need to put our hope, faith and focus on God.

There are times when we have no words to pray. “All I remember was praying… ‘Dear Jesus, dear Jesus.’ ” God hears the cries of our heart.

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