The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse – The Animated Version by Charlie Mackesy

So Very Beautiful

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse – The Animated Story by Charlie Mackesy is so very beautiful. I have the original black and white version but treated myself to the animated version. I was not disappointed.

The story has a very beautiful message which we hear as we follow the boy in his search for a home. He learns that a home is not necessarily bricks and mortar but it is being with people whom you love and who love you. It is where you are enough just as you are.

Life is not always easy but working together can get us further than working alone. “Life is difficult but you are loved.”

We all have unique gifts that we can use as we journey together through life.

I love the beginning of the book. “ ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ asked the mole. ‘Kind’, said the boy.”

The mole is very funny with his obsession with cake. “If at first you don’t succeed, have some cake.”

All the illustrations are absolutely stunningly beautiful They are simple but they speak to your heart. Likewise, the message of the book is beautiful too.

I cannot get enough of this book. I highly recommend buying the original book and the animated version. Both are stunning and I love them.


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