Love At The Garden Tomb by R F Whong

Speak Softly Love

Love At The Garden Tomb by R F Whong is a powerful contemporary Christian novel set in the 1990’s and 2010.

The novel has God at its centre. We see the importance of putting God first and trusting His plans for our lives even when life makes no sense.

A character is consumed by guilt over an event in his childhood. He torments himself over what he cannot change. He needs to surrender his guilt to God and exchange it for forgiveness.

God spoke through dreams in the past and He still speaks through dreams today.

We witness the destructive powers of living in the past and holding on to unforgiveness. It can make one bitter and ruin the lives of those around them.

There is the conflict between wanting to be loyal to our parents and living our own lives. Parental interference comes at a cost.

The story reminded me of a modern day Romeo and Juliet as the parents of both young people disliked the chosen other half.

Much of the novel is set at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. We ‘see’ where Jesus walked and we ‘hear’ His teachings.

Love At The Garden Tomb was a powerful godly read.

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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