The Little Christmas Shop On Nutcracker Lane by Jaimie Admans

Believe In Me

The Little Christmas Shop On Nutcracker Lane by Jaimie Admans is really the most delightful contemporary novel that will warm your heart and put a smile on your lips. It is the essence of Christmas in a book.

Christmas is a time for believing in miracles but sometimes they need a little push to come true.

The novel shows that together we are stronger. When we all work towards a common goal it is closer than if we all work as individuals.

There is a wonderful air of love and festive fun over the whole book as we witness a character falling in love with all things Christmas.

Frozen hearts need warming up. Trusting and letting others into our lives is the order of the day.

If you like Christmas then this is the book for you. If you do not like Christmas, give this fun-filled book a go, you may surprize yourself and mirror a character!

I adore Jaimie Admans novels. They are feel-good reads that warm my heart.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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