Love Quest by Noah Bolinder

Do You Hear Him?

Love Quest by Noah Bolinder is a powerful book that will aid your relationship with God. Noah Bolinder works through key chapters in the Bible revealing how God created us to love. He shows just how much God loves each one of us and passionately pursues us as if we were the one and only.

God did not create us to be robots. “True love is always a choice.” God wants us to want to love Him.

In Adam and Eve we were separated from God by sin. In Jesus’ death on the cross, the barrier to God is removed. “You deserve death” and yet we receive grace. Grace means unmerited favour. Grace restores our relationship with God. “Jesus comes to earth to show us God’s heart.”

We move into God’s heart because of grace not deeds. It is not about what we can do but what Jesus has done.

The whole book is very powerful. It is designed to point us to God and to His love. Every chapter is full of scripture to illustrate the point that the author is making. Key points at the end of each chapter summarise it.

Love Quest is a perfect book for individual study, small groups or the whole church to work through. It’s a love story from God.

I will leave you with my favourite quote:

“We chase the shadow of God while He stands next to us calling our name.”

Will you answer His call? Will you let God be your One and only?

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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