Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler

Standing On Holy Ground

Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler is a powerful book about finding God everywhere. – He is in the mundane as well as the miraculous. We find Him in the valley and on the mountaintop. We meet with God in nature and in church. God is everywhere we are. He is nowhere we are not. “I could meet Him everywhere and anywhere if I’d only look.”

God is alive. He is with us now. We have not left Him somewhere in a past experience. The author explains that the same God of her childhood is the same God of her adulthood. She changed. He does not.

There are times when life feels like we are walking through a fog. We need to know that this too will pass. Whatever we go through, if we look for God, we will find signs of Him everywhere. “A holy beauty is everywhere.”

We cannot stop life happening to us but we can choose how we respond. We need to let go of what we cannot control and breathe in blessing. “There is no mess too big to stop me from seeing life in colour.” Remember when we can’t, God can.

“We can serve right where we are.” In the words of Kara Lawler’s daughter when she was three years old, “God gave us hearts to love people.” Wow! Out of the mouths of babes. This is just what Jesus commanded us to do in the Bible.

Kara Lawler writes in a very personable style. Everywhere Holy is a book that is accessible for all. It feels more like a missive from a dear friend, than a book, as we glimpse the author’s life and her heart as she reveals the heart of God.

God created us. God created the world. Everywhere is holy. We can see “heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads” is a quote from Henry David Thoreau.

Everywhere Holy is a powerful, positive book. As the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, we need to read this book as if focuses on the heart of God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Everywhere Holy is the perfect book for now and every day.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


4 thoughts on “Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler

  1. Pingback: Kara Lawler, author of EVERYWHERE HOLY, on tour March/April 2020 | TLC Book Tours

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