Star Rising by Janet Ferguson

Co Pilot For The Journey

Star Rising by Janet W Ferguson is a charming contemporary Christian novel that will warm your heart and soul as you read about a God who loves us far too much to ever let go.

God’s presence wafts over the whole novel. We see characters who are new Christians trying to set their lives in alignment with God.

In contrast we see characters who let life’s disappointments pull them away from God. Life may be hard but it will be even harder if we withdraw from God.

The readers hears of child abuse that shaped a character. At first, in pain, a character turned to drink and drugs but then “she’d learned to take her pain and anger to God.” She had to “remember, you can’t. God can.” When life is hard we must press into God. Let Him exchange our pain and anger for His peace.

We all need second chances because we all mess up. In God, it is never too late to have a fresh start. If once we knew Him but we walked away, the good news is … God will never let us go. He holds on to us with a passion and He will not stop pursuing us until we rest in Him.

Prayer is powerful. It connects us to God. We should fight all our battles on our knees. Prayer is also listening to God and being obedient. “I couldn’t ignore he nudge.” We’ve all felt it, and we ignore it at our peril. When God nudges us, we must respond.

In Star Rising the reader travels from America to Ireland making many new ‘friends’ along the way. I came to care deeply about the characters in the book. The story was also highly amusing as situations and verbal volleys brought a smile to my face.

Star Rising was my first novel by Janet Ferguson but I want more, more, more.

I will leave you with my favourite and powerful quote:

“Prayer is not telling God what we want… Prayer is asking God what He wants.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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