The Journal Of Ezekiel Walker by John J Zelenski

At The Name Of Jesus

The Journal Of Ezekiel Walker by John J Zelenski is a Christian supernatural historical read set in 1945.

The novel shows that life is a spiritual battle and sometimes these forces of evil manifest themselves to us, either in dreams or face to face. The fight is very real. We need to stand on the Word of God and the Name of Jesus as we fight these demons. At the Name of Jesus the demons will flee. God has given us the gift of discernment. We would be wise to use it.

John J Zelenski has created a thrilling story. I must admit that I did not always follow the action but the fault is entirely mine as I do not read much Biblical supernatural fiction. The author has created forces of evil using Biblical descriptions. As the story is told in the first person, it is easy to transfer ourselves into the action. I definitely read with heart racing. The fight for good over evil continues.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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