Her Last Promise by Kathryn Hughes

The Greatest Gift Of All

Her Last Promise by Kathryn Hughes – wow, there are some books that you never want to end, and this is one such book. Her Last Promise is a contemporary novel that also travels back to 1978. It is a book about a search – a search for a love that never died and never gave up hope.

The characters created by Kathryn Hughes were a marvellous mix. For me, I ‘lived’ through the novel as the character of Tara – I ‘loved’ where she loved, I ‘lost’ where she lost and I ‘searched’ with her. The character of Tara lodged in my heart and soul. I really connected with her. Now the novel is ended I feel like a part of me dwells forever in the book.

Kathryn Hughes truly is a masterful storyteller. She has woven a tale from several points of view into one wonderful whole. She both entertained me and toyed with my emotions. I really feel like I have been through the wringer.

Kathryn Hughes created situations that I cared deeply about. In my mind’s eye I could ‘see’ young Mateo and I feel in love with that small boy. I also loved the caring elderly gent Alf with his huge heart of gold.

There were difficult topics such as the abuse of a child. My heart just broke as those who were supposed to love abused and emotionally blackmailed.

There were friendships to be treasured. Though the years passed, the tie remained as old friends picked up where they left off.

Her Last Promise was my first book by Kathryn Hughes but it will not be my last. I will be hunting out more, more, more by her as she really is a marvellous author… but don’t take my word for it, pick up Her Last Promise today.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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