Little Luke’s Big Heart by David Chisholm


Little Luke’s Big Heart by David Chisholm is the true story of life with Luke who was diagnosed with health problems in the womb. This is one amazing family who have coped with everything that life has thrown at them. Their faith in God is truly inspiring. “How should I live out my faith when I get gut-punched by life?” David Chisholm’s answer is to trust God and to lean into Him. There really are times when running to God is the only option.

David Chisholm writes with humour about many things including the medical trials that they faced. Little Luke went through so much but still their faith and humour remain.

David Chisholm has compiled lists of what not to say and what to say to those facing medical problems. He also has a list of how to survive long spells in hospital.

As the father of a special needs child, David Chisholm and his wife had to face what happens in the worst case scenario. That must have been such an awful thing to contemplate.

Having a church family to support you is vital. We need others to walk beside us and to lift us up in prayer.

The whole book is inspiring and powerful. I loved the inclusion of photos of Luke and his family. He is a very brave and beautiful little boy. Thank you David Chisholm for sharing Luke’s story.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


One thought on “Little Luke’s Big Heart by David Chisholm

  1. I have met Luke and his family and nothing is better than Luke walking down the aisle at church and giving a big high five and a smile even bigger!!! You can’t help but love him! And then you hear everything he’s been through and you are just in awe of him! He is a hero!!! His parents are the rock that so many lean on! David and Rachael, you’re the best!

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