Christmas On Maplewood Mountain by Elizabeth Bromke


Christmas On Maplewood Mountain by Elizabeth Bromke is a charming contemporary romance that will warm the reader’s heart.

December and snow are always a winning combination that would not be complete without the addition of hot chocolate. This novel is a real assault on the senses. Elizabeth Bromke has perfectly captured the atmosphere in an inn at Christmas. The reader experiences the novel due to comprehensive descriptions.

The novel has the theme of work colleagues bonding over a weekend. The activities such as tree dressing really appeal to the reader.

The landscape is fresh and clean in contrast to the city where the firm is based.

A sisterly relationship is explored. In spite of the love there is a tension that is straining the relationship.

The characters are wonderfully drawn. A light hearted feel good mood pervades the novel.

Christmas On Maplewood Mountain is a real joy to read at any time of year.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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