Family M.O.T
The House We Called Home by Jenny Oliver is a fabulous contemporary family novel that will awaken your senses to the world around you.
Life can easily slip into a mundane pattern. Everyone from children to teens to adults find life predictable and unexciting. Life, as shown online seems to be perfect and ideal for everyone but you. Life is passing you by, so what do you do? If you escape for a while, will anyone notice? Or care?
The novel explores that life is for living. It is for trying something new and for rediscovering old passions. It is for giving others permission to be themselves. Too often we settle into roles – daughter, wife, mother – when really we just want to be ‘me.’
The House We Called Home shows what happens to relationships and dynamics when everyone, including the house, is remodeled.
This was a really fun and warm read. Highly amusing at times. Jenny Oliver explores family relationships and with her comprehensive descriptions, brings the novel to life. A perfectly wonderful read. Jenny Oliver left me smiling.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.