Living In Peace While In Pieces by Michael J Washington


Living In Peace While In Pieces: A Memoir by Michael J Washington is honest, heartfelt and powerful. It is not written in a linear form but covers various topics throughout the author’s life that crossover.

The secret to peace is God. “My peace comes from my knowledge and trust in God.” Brought up to know God, the author’s times of peace were to be found resting in Him. We need to keep our eyes on God through all that life throws at us. Our peace comes from knowing who we are in Him. We cannot stop problems from happening but we can control our responses to them.

Our peace depends on our outlook, responses and choices. “Peace is yours to own, and nobody can take it from you unless you allow them.” Do not let others dictate your moods. Look to God.

The author lost his peace at times of being in “the wilderness of self indulgence.” As his moral compass faltered so did his peace. Realign lives with God and receive His peace again.

Michael J Washington is very honest about his battles with addiction – cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Drug addiction can strike at any age. The author was in his forties and fifties. He is very candid about his struggles and deceptions. There is also a corresponding chapter written by his wife, who is honest and open too. Addiction destroys lives. You cannot kick habits alone. You need support and you need to be honest.

Throughout all his life, God has been walking alongside Michael J Washington. God called him as a boy. God did not abandon him as a man.

A powerful memoir of overcoming. I leave you with my two favourite quotes:

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none” by William Shakespeare.

“Faithful was not that we get it right all the time. Faithful was getting back up after we have been knocked down.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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