The Sound Of Rain by Sarah Loudin Thomas

Following Your Dreams

The Sound Of Rain by Sarah Loudin Thomas is a marvellous Christian historical novel set in 1954.

The story has the theme of healing – both physical and from scars of the past. A sufferer of PTSD (unrecognised at the time) must learn how to live again when everywhere he turns reminds him of his loss. He needed “a safe place to heal from the war.”

We all have dreams for our children but when their dream and our dream create conflict, rifts occur. We need to listen to God’s call on our heart. “I’ve learned to listen when the good Lord gives me a holy nudge.”

We are called to help others but “You can do God’s work anywhere.” We do not need to travel overseas to find lost and hurting people.

Where our treasure is, there is our heart. For some their treasure is in people, for others it’s in position and money. “There’s making money and then there’s making a living.” There’s nothing wrong with money if we use it for good but when it is used to elevate ourselves, our heart is in the wrong place.

People are not pawns to be pushed and pulled to do our bidding. We need to treat people with respect and place value on them.

We all need Jesus. Sometimes people appear to have it all but appearances can be deceptive. “Sometimes the people who needed the most help didn’t look like they needed help at all.” We all need to point others to God.

Old grudges, new friends, ancient treasure and the love of God, The Sound Of Rain has it all.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.





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